[SDCBeeks] Looking for advice on overwintering

Heather Sessions heathcs at gmail.com
Fri Nov 4 09:09:45 PDT 2022

Hi Fellow Beekeepers!

I’m new to beekeeping in New Mexico and am looking for some tips for overwintering top bar hives. I’m located at 8,000ft elevation outside Taos and have three hives that were newly installed this spring.  The property is mostly pinion/juniper woodlands so the hives are somewhat protected from winds.  The overwintering prep I’ve done so far is reduced the hive space using follower boards and put straw in pillowcases on top of the bars under the lids to add some insulation.  I left them all the honey they collected this season so hopefully they have plenty to survive on (each hive has over 12 frames of honey). 

Should I insulate further?  What do you use for wind breaks?  If you have to feed during winter, what method do you use in a top bar hive?  Any help or advice is appreciated!

Thank you,

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