[SDCBeeks] Strong hive for sale

Stephen Schmidt ssdog at mac.com
Mon Apr 4 21:26:01 PDT 2022

I have a very strong 10 frame Langstroth hive I want to sell.  It overwintered just fine, Checked on it yesterday again.  One deep with lots of brood, another deep that was at the bottom that was mostly empty of the winter stores it had, a medium 6 5/8”  super with brood and honey. Screened bottom board.  Queen is one year old. I’ve had this hive going for about 6 or 7 years.  I’m  trying to just work with top bars and starting with letting this one go first.  Asking $450 

I also have a number of 8 frame deeps and supers for $15 and empty 10 frame boxes for $18.  Misc covers, bottoms for very cheap.  Frames - w/o wax $2  w/ drawn comb $4

Steve Schmidt
21 Calle Debra
Santa Fe, NM  87507


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